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Asian Heritage Month

May is Asian Heritage Month! Asian Heritage Month is a month of recognizing the contributions and influence of Asians across the world to the history, culture, and achievements of others! As Topic 2, we decided to address the recent injustices occurring against Asians. This includes hate crimes and xenophobia that is increasing at an alarming rate. Through our interviews with organizations, we gained a deeper understanding of the matter and what youth can do to take action. 

Topic 2 - Asian Heritage Month: Text

Make sure to click on the button "Anti-Asian Hate" to watch our 2nd video!

Topic 2 - Asian Heritage Month: Text

Instagram Posts

Below is the Instagram posts on our Instagram page: @globalawakeningproject

If you want to keep up to date with updates, make sure to follow us! 

Topic 2 - Asian Heritage Month: Text
Topic 2 - Asian Heritage Month: Our Programs
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